WordPress internal category pagination not working

Sometimes when we make some changes in Permalink Settings, then our internal post pagination does not work.

This basically happens when we change Custom Structure /%category%/%postname%/ in Permalink Settings. Usually, We change the settings for a better SEO URL.

I have also changed the URL for the SEO purpose, and later on, came to know that my website internal paginations were not working, and on pagination, pages were redirecting to 404.

Then i searched about it and found a plugin which resolved the issue in no time.

How to Fix the WordPress Pagination Not Working Problem

After installation you don’t need to do anything. everything get fixed automatically.

If you are using any cache plugin then just clear the cache in admin panel and clear the browser cache too.

I hope this tutorial must have solved your pagination problem. You can also check my other WordPress post How to Increase Maximum Upload File Size in WordPress